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1 Bob Dillon  Fri, Sep 7, 2012 1:13:26pm

Way to go Canada! * * * * *

2 sffilk  Fri, Sep 7, 2012 1:38:19pm


3 Destro  Fri, Sep 7, 2012 1:42:19pm

The surprise action reinforces the Conservative government’s close ties with Tehran’s arch foe Israel but also removes some of Washington’s eyes and ears inside the Iranian capital.

Thanks for shooting our security needs in the foot Canadian conservatives all for a meaningless political gesture.

4 sagehen  Fri, Sep 7, 2012 6:50:41pm

Maybe I'm cynical or paranoid or something... but I take this as a sign that the balloon's going up and we'd like our neighbours not to be in the line of fire.

5 Gus  Fri, Sep 7, 2012 9:31:40pm

re: #3 Destro

The surprise action reinforces the Conservative government’s close ties with Tehran’s arch foe Israel but also removes some of Washington’s eyes and ears inside the Iranian capital.

Thanks for shooting our security needs in the foot Canadian conservatives all for a meaningless political gesture.

Thanks. You picked up the bias in the article. And that does sound rather tilted.

It's done for obvious reasons and Iran is feeling the pressure of peaceful sanctions. If they can't stand the heat then a) Iran needs to stop threatening Israel and b) stop the building of nuclear weapons.

This is just the beginning stages.

Thank you Canada.

6 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Sep 7, 2012 9:41:03pm

re: #3 Destro

It's not "meaningless". Iran permitted an attack on the British Embassy and has repeatedly shown no regard for diplomatic conventions that even nations like Belarus are careful to honor. Canada has tried and tried for more than a decade to get Iran to cease being belligerent and negotiate with other nations in good faith. Iran has rebuffed Canada consistently.

There comes a time when you have to just accept that the other guy just isn't going to listen to reason and you're going to have to stop his bad actions the Hard Way.

7 Gus  Fri, Sep 7, 2012 9:43:29pm

re: #6 Dark_Falcon

It's not "meaningless". Iran permitted an attack on the British Embassy and has repeatedly shown no regard for diplomatic conventions that even nations like Belarus are careful to honor. Canada has tried and tried for more than a decade to get Iran to cease being belligerent and negotiate with other nations in good faith. Iran has rebuffed Canada consistently.

There comes a time when you have to just accept that the other guy just isn't going to listen to reason and you're going to have to stop his bad actions the Hard Way.

What do these people want? They don't want military action. They repel against strong diplomacy. What do they want us to do? Repeat history?

8 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 7, 2012 11:23:37pm

Apparently they were down to less than ten staff members already, and didn't actually have an ambassador at the embassy. Iran kicked their last one out in 2007, after some extended protest and inquiry by Canada about the torture and murder of an Iranian-Canadian journalist while in Iranian custody.

I suspect that the idea that not maintaining a skeleton crew in a city where another embassy was already attacked with government sanction last year damages the 'security' of the West is not very realistic.

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